Have your baby in your own home!
Your birth, your way
I’m a Colorado midwife serving families who want to have their babies at home. My practice encompasses south metro Denver, Arapahoe, Elbert, Douglas and El Paso counties, and surrounding areas. Aurora, Bennett, Castle Rock, Centennial, Commerce City, Elbert, Elizabeth, Englewood, Highlands Ranch, Kiowa, Littleton, Lone Tree, Monument, and Parker are just a few of the cities I serve.
You choose who to have with you at the time of your birthing. You choose the tests and procedures you would like to have, and those you would like to avoid.
Prenatal visits, your birthing, and postpartum follow up visits are conducted at the standard maternity care schedule. Beginning 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, prenatal visits are monthly until 28 weeks, then every two weeks until 36 weeks. The entire birth team will attend the 36 week visit in your home. The birth pool, if chosen, will be delivered at that time. Visits will then be weekly until your birthing time. After baby is born, we remain with you for 2-4 hours to make sure everyone is stable. I will check on you 2-3 times during the first week to affirm that all is well. Postpartum follow up visits are at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks; more follow up visits will be offered as the need arises, and are included with your maternity care.
Schedule Appointment
I offer a free initial consultation, which partners are invited to attend, so you can ask questions and decide if midwifery care with my practice is the right choice for your family.
Please email me to schedule your appointment.

MY Philosophy
Pregnancy is not an illness Childbirth is not a medical emergency.
Our bodies were designed to reproduce. Giving birth is a natural, normal part of the human experience. Sometimes it does require a little help from a skilled attendant.
I act as the lifeguard: waiting, watching, and acting quickly when needed. I don’t interfere while the birthing body does its work, as long as that is the right thing to do. I will intervene and assist when that is the right thing to do.
Parents are the ultimate decision makers for their family. I provide information and options, and support the family in the choices they make.
MY training
My journey has included several milestones:
Labor Doula Training - Childbirth And Postpartum Professional Association (CAPPA) - April 2013
Breastfeeding Multiples – R. Williams, IBCLC – June 2013
Comprehensive Lactation Management Training – Colorado WIC – June 2014
Certified Lactation Counselor – The Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice – June 2015
Midwifery School – Christian Heritage Academy of Midwifery inaugural cohort – 2013-2016
Clinical Apprenticeship - Hands-On Training with Experienced Midwives - 2015 - 2018
Naturopathic Doctor – Trinity School of Natural Health – September 2017
Certified Professional Midwife – North American Registry of Midwives – December 2018
Basic Life Support (CPR) – American Heart Association – June 2015 (renewed 2018 and 2020)
Neonatal Resuscitation Program – American Academy of Pediatrics – January 2014 (renewed 2016, 2018 and 2020)
Continuing Education Units -Ongoing, in the spirit of lifelong learning, and required for renewal of certifications
MY story
I have been involved in birth work since 2013, but I have loved mamas and babies for as long as I can remember. Having raised and home schooled 3 daughters, midwifery is my “second half” career – and calling. I have experienced a normal vaginal birth, a cesarean birth under general anesthesia, two unmedicated Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) births, and three pregnancy losses. My own experiences help me to support mamas through their pregnancies with compassion and understanding.
My first birth was in the hospital as a teen birth mom. I had a completely normal pregnancy and I was attempting a natural birth. Toward the end of labor I requested some pain relief because it was really hard! I was given narcotic medication, and I was also given an episiotomy.
My second pregnancy and birth was 8 years later. As the pregnancy progressed, my mom would pat my tummy and say, “Robin, that’s not a bottom!”. I discounted her opinion, my doctor hadn’t said anything was wrong. In hindsight, I should have listened to her – she’d had 6 babies! I had decided to attempt a natural birth again, so I declined an epidural. I labored quite a while without good progression, so it was decided that breaking my bag of water would speed things along. After the procedure, the nurse checked my cervix and said, “uh-oh!” That’s never a good thing to hear! She felt a bottom instead of a head. My mom was right. At that point, they told me the baby was “in distress” and I would need an emergency cesarean section. There wasn’t enough time for an epidural, so I was put to sleep for the surgery.
I never wanted to go through that again, so the next time I became pregnant, I sought out a midwife, hoping for a more natural experience. I found a wonderful midwife who cared for me through my next 2 pregnancies. I was able to have those babies with no pain medication and no interventions, although my husband insisted we go to the hospital “in case something goes wrong”.
When my youngest daughters were nearing their teens, our homeschool support organization started a midwifery school. I enrolled and took my first level of training to become a doula in 2013. I continue to learn new things, sharpen and broaden my skills, and open my heart to new challenges and growth, the longer I do this work. It is not merely a career, it truly is a calling.